Navigating the BC Healthcare System -
a Step by Step Guide
by Connie Jorsvik, BSN
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It has always been important to be an empowered patient or care partner, but never more so than right now. Healthcare in British Columbia is nothing if not complicated. General practitioners, specialists, waiting lists, residential care, and everything in between seem to all exist independently of each other.
Whether you are self-advocating, or advocating for a loved one who is seriously ill or injured, and are facing confusion and challenging decisions, this is your step-by-step guide to planning ahead, surviving, and thriving.
Includes downloadable kit with advance care-planning & in-case-of-emergency forms and documents.
"Your book has really exceeded expectations. It opens flat, and the type is clear and easy to read... eminently highlight-able! You have outdone yourself, Connie. Happy I ordered a copy for my son and his wife...knowledge is power.. My husband and I both have completed our Advance Directives using your template, and they are indeed beautiful documents."
"Thank you for preparing this extensive information booklet. The compilation of this wide range of information not only helps the lay-person, but also frees medical personnel from needing to use valuable time explaining it to them... and will continue as a crucial information resource. Thank you again and best wishes as you continue to assist, advocate for and empower individuals in significant life decisions."
"An amazing book with everything every family should know and use - and comparatively few families think about until too late. It's not just for older people. Connie Jorsvik is an expert in her field, and her advice is practical and easy to read/follow. I have bought copies for all my Powers of Attorney and family members so they know what I think and wish. Yes, there are other books, but this is the most practical that I have come across, and I highly recommend it."