Upcoming Online + In-Person Workshops
Join our practical workshops and events, helping you understand, organize, manage and plan ahead for medical emergencies, complex illness and end-of-life.

“Writing Your Legacy: Preserving Your Story” with Special Guest Mali Bain
Join us for this online presentation with Mali Bain, founder of NextGen Memoire Publishing, who will share how to turn our life stories or family history into a meaningful, special and enduring book.

Understanding “Heroics” & Resuscitation - Presented by Connie Jorsvik of PatientPathways.ca
$5 - registration required. There is a tremendous lack of understanding about what these terms mean, and it is vital to understand them before a health crisis. You will leave this in-person workshop with a sense of what you want, and what is appropriate for where you are in your health journey.
NOTE: Must have attended Feb. 21st workshop on Advance Care Planning to attend.

Advance Care Planning - Presented by Connie Jorsvik of PatientPathways.ca
$5 - registration required. Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the umbrella term for planning ahead for a time when you are not able to speak for yourself. You will leave this in-person workshop with understanding, links and instructions for completing your critical ACP documents.

Navigating the BC Healthcare System - Presented by Connie Jorsvik of PatientPathways.ca
$5 - registration required. Join us for this in-person workshop to better understand medical care in the community, Hospital Discharge Planning, and the differences between Public and Private Home Care, and Residential Care in BC.

Understanding MAiD - Presented by Alex Muir of Dying with Dignity Canada
FREE - registration required. Join us in person for this clear, unbiased look at who qualifies for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), the request and process, the safeguards, and upcoming legislative changes.

Understanding Dementia and Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): An evening with Dr. Stefanie Green, Canada‘s Top MAiD Advisor
$25 - Registration here. Dementia is a qualifying diagnosis for MAiD, but misinformation and misunderstanding surround the application and approval process.
Want accurate information about this highly nuanced topic? Join us for this exclusive event online with Dr. Stefanie Green to get your questions answered.

Planning Ahead Pt. 3: Understanding “Heroics” & Levels of Resuscitation with Connie Jorsvik
Registration by donation. There is a tremendous lack of understanding about what these terms mean, and it is vital to understand them before a health crisis in order to effectively communicate your wishes to others.

Planning Ahead Pt. 2: Understanding Advance Care Planning with Connie Jorsvik
Registration by donation. Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the umbrella term for planning ahead for a time when you are not able to speak for yourself. You will leave this online workshop with understanding, links and instructions for completing your critical ACP documents.

Planning Ahead Pt. 1: Navigating the BC Healthcare System with Connie Jorsvik
Registration by donation. Join us online for Part 1 of our fall Planning Ahead series, to better understand medical care in the community, Hospital Discharge Planning, and the differences between Public and Private Home Care, and Residential Care.

Victoria: Navigating the BC Healthcare System - Presented by Connie Jorsvik of PatientPathways.ca
Free, no registration required. This in-person workshop helps patients and families understand care in the community, Hospital Discharge Planning, and the differences between Public and Private Home Care, and Residential Care.

Women, Heart Disease & Serious Illness with special guest Carolyn Thomas, Heart Sisters
Registration by donation. Did you know that almost two-thirds of women who die of heart disease have no previous symptoms, and that women are twice as likely as men to die within one year of a cardiac event? So what does a woman do? Join us online to learn more!

Understanding “Heroics” & Resuscitation - Presented by Connie Jorsvik of PatientPathways.ca
$5 - registration required. There is a tremendous lack of understanding about what these terms mean, and it is vital to understand them before a health crisis. You will leave this in-person workshop with a sense of what you want, and what is appropriate for where you are in your health journey. *Must have attended Oct. 4th Advance Care Planning workshop.*

From Healthcare to Deathcare with special guest Christa Ovenell
Registration by donation. Join us online for this lively and enjoyable discussion (really!) with Christa Ovenell, Executive Director of The Death & Dying Network, about end-of-life planning, and the thousand things that you never thought about, but need to.

Advance Care Planning - Presented by Connie Jorsvik of PatientPathways.ca
$5 - registration required. Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the umbrella term for planning ahead for a time when you are not able to speak for yourself. You will leave this in-person workshop with understanding, links and instructions for completing your critical ACP documents.

Navigating the BC Healthcare System - Presented by Connie Jorsvik of PatientPathways.ca
$5 - registration required. Join us for this in-person workshop to better understand medical care in the community, Hospital Discharge Planning, and the differences between Public and Private Home Care, and Residential Care in BC.

Understanding MAiD - Presented by Alex Muir of Dying with Dignity Canada
FREE - registration required. Join us for this clear, unbiased look at who qualifies for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), the request and process, the safeguards, and upcoming legislative changes.

Empowering Patients Workshop 3: Create Your Medical Representation Agreement Document
FREE - please register. Join us in-person for a hands on workshop to prepare your Medical Representation Agreement. You will leave this meeting with this important document completed and healthcare-ready.

Empowering Patients Workshop 2: How to Determine + Communicate Your Values, Beliefs + Wishes for Future Medical Care
FREE - please register. Join us in person for to learn how to determine your own values, beliefs and preferences for future health care, then how to share them with your loved ones and healthcare providers.

Setting Your Elder Years Up for Living Safely in Your Own Home, with special guest Corina Stainsby
FREE - Please register. Join us online to learn options for care in BC for aging at home, with special guest Corina Stains, real estate specialist in seniors’ housing.

Empowering Patients Workshop 1: Understanding Advance Medical Care Planning
FREE - please register. Join us in person to learn about the umbrella of documentation needed, and courageous conversations that are recommended, for planning ahead for medical care.

Why Planning Your Own Celebration of Life Really Is Important, with Special Guest Lisa Hartley
FREE - Please register. Join us for this special presentation with Lisa Hartley, a wedding officiant and Life Cycle Celebrant® who will share with us how to create your own celebration of life with your values and beliefs in mind.

You Want to Do What With My Body? A Special Presentation with Koru Cremation + Burial
FREE - Please register. Join us online for a lively conversation on the top ten things people worry about regarding after-death care and services, with special guest Ngaio Davis of Koru Cremation, Burial and Ceremony.

Planning Ahead Pt. 4: Write Your Advance Medical Care Directives & Representation Agreement
FREE - please register. Must have attended previous 2 workshops, or watched the replays - click for links. This is a hands on workshop to prepare your Advance Medical Care Directive and Representation Agreement documents. You will leave this meeting with beautiful, healthcare-ready documents.

The 5 Ws of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID): Who? What? When? Where? Why? ...and How? - with Special Guest Alex Muir
FREE - please register. Understand all of your legal choices in Canada, including Medical Assistance in Dying with a focus on dementia, and Advance Requests.

Planning Ahead Pt. 3 - Understanding Heroics, CPR and Other Levels of Resuscitation
FREE - please register. It is vital to understand terms used for resuscitation before a health crisis. You will leave with an understanding of what your preferences for resuscitation are, and what is appropriate for where you are in your health journey.

Series Pt. 2 - Understanding Advance Care Planning, and Determining Your Values & Beliefs
FREE - please register. Join us online to learn about the umbrella of documentation and courageous conversations that are recommended for planning ahead, plus how to determine your values, beliefs and preferences for future health care, then share them with your loved ones and healthcare providers.

Series Pt. 1 - Navigating the BC Healthcare System: Understanding Community, Hospital, Home Care & Residential Care
FREE - please register. Join us online for this important workshop on understanding care in hospital, discharge planning, and the differences between private and publicly-subsidized home care services and residential care.

What Does a Death Doula Do? A Special Presentation
FREE - please register. Join us 6:30PM PST for a special presentation on understanding the role of death doulas, in partnership with The Death Doula Network.

Navigating the BC Health Care System Luncheon
$10 includes lunch, please register. Join us in-person for this important workshop on understanding care in hospital, discharge planning, and the differences between private and publicly-subsidized home care services and residential care.

Legacy Projects Anyone Can Do, with special guest Christa Overnell
FREE - please register. Join us for a lovely online discussion of legacy projects, what they are, and why you need to do one, in partnership with Christa Overnell from Death’s Apprentice.
“Navigating the BC Healthcare System”, a step-by-step guide by Connie Jorsvik - recently endorsed on Global TV by beloved palliative care Dr. Paul Sugar - will be available for purchase at all in-person events at a special event price.