End-of-Life Choice & Planning
Many people have peaceful, natural deaths – the kind we all hope for. But that is not the way all of us will die.
Some people die suddenly, unexpectedly, and others die in tremendous pain for days, weeks, or months years before they finally die. Too often, the elderly and frail are put on life-support, and their dying only takes place when the tubes are removed – many without loved ones at their side.
That is not planning, and it is not a choice. Let’s change that for you and your loved ones.
End-of-Life Planning in the Modern Era - An Overview
Planning for end-of-life care isn't about giving up—it's about taking control. By facing these difficult conversations head-on, we can ensure that our final moments reflect our values and wishes. Read on to learn more.
Understanding Your Choice at End of Life
A guide and resource for helping residents of BC, Canada understand all legal end-of-life options, and plan for the way we want our stories to end.
When You Don't Want to Be a Burden - a Letter from Connie
I work with people in healthcare crisis - most of which could have been prevented or minimized with Advance Care Planning. Here's how to avoid being a burden by communicating your medical wishes in advance.
Understanding Palliative Care & Hospice: In the Community and In-Facility
All of hospice care is palliative care - but not all palliative care is hospice. A guide and resources for understanding and planning ahead for palliative care in BC, Canada.
Understanding Organ & Body Donation
Have you ever thought of being an organ donor, or donating your body to science? This is an overview of what is involved, and how to opt in for organ donation in BC, Canada.
Understanding the Expected Death in the Home Form
A guide and resources for understanding and planning for an expected natural or MAiD death at home in BC, Canada.
Understanding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)
This is a straightforward and thorough guide to MAiD. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is a legal choice for Canadian capable adults over 18 who want to end their lives when they are suffering grievously from a condition that has been deemed impossible to cure.
Understanding Advance Requests for MAiD
A deep-dive into Advance Requests for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in BC, Canada, and what it means for our choice at end of life.
Understanding MAiD and Dementia
Exploring the complexities of accessing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in BC, Canada when dementia is a factor, including the vital role of loved ones, and what to do if you might want MAiD in the future.
Accessing MAiD with Dementia, from Canada's Top MAiD Advisor
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is a complex, sensitive and often misunderstood topic, especially for those with dementia. Here are some key insights from our recent conversation with Dr. Stefanie Green, one of Canada's leading MAiD advisors.
Resource List for Accessing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)
Extensive resource list for accessing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in BC, Canada, provided by Dying with Dignity BC.
Navigating the BC Healthcare System
by Connie Jorsvik
After two years and hundreds of hours, I am pleased to introduce my latest book, which I believe is the most thorough resource on this topic available to date. If you are a patient or a care partner in our fast-paced and fragmented healthcare system, this is a step-by-step guide to surviving, and thriving.