Miscommunication and Missed Communication

Miscommunication – but most often missed-communication – at all levels of the healthcare are so common that incidents are dismissed and just considered normal.

Empowered patients and care partners are the plastic wrap between the layers of Swiss Cheese. What you see and say can make the difference between life and death.

The Swiss Cheese Model of Healthcare is a metaphor for communication errors. There are holes in the cheese, but there are many layers so missed communication is caught by other professionals. But when errors line up and are not caught, it can cause significant harm.

You and those who will speak for you (your assigned Representative) can be a part of the solution in preventing errors in communication:

  • Be prepared with a thorough health care plan (medical history and current medications) and give a copy at every point of care.

  • When you have concerns tell them to someone who is in a position of responsibility (a doctor, charge nurse, manager), as often as it takes to see action.

  • Keep a notebook and write down who you talked to, when, and what was said. (See the Power of the Notebook).

  • Be vigilant, be assertive and follow-up, and then follow-up again. Follow-up on actions that were supposed to take place (referrals, testing, and other steps).

  • Appoint a Representative. Your Representative needs to be vigilant and assertive (not aggressive and not passive) in giving and receiving communication – and knowing who to talk to.

  • If an error has occurred, use the correct path to escalate your concerns or complaint. (See the education article on Making a Complaint.)

  • And, finally, you know your loved one better than anyone else. When you see something is wrong, say something and don't allow your concerns to be dismissed.

 Being sick or injured or in pain is already tremendous work: we deserve to be cared for. But, at the moment, we need to be extra vigilant and responsible. The more tools you have, the better you can face any crisis.

Patient Pathways provides one-on-one support in helping patients access BC healthcare services and determine Advance Healthcare Directives. See our Services and Fees.

Connie Jorsvik

Connie Jorsvik is an educator, author, public speaker, independent healthcare navigator and patient advocate. Since 2011, she and her team have passionately supported hundreds of patients and families journeying through complex illness, end of life, and planning ahead.


When you hit communication walls


Communication in preventing common healthcare errors